Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Can-Am Tournament March 26, 2014

The Can-Am Pickleball Tournament was held today at Rincon Country West Pickleball courts.  Each of our two countries was represented by 3 teams of 2 players.

Bert Coates, one of the Vice Presidents of the RCW Pickleball Club was the organizer.

The format of play was that each team would play against each team from the other country in one game to 11 points.

The teams were composed as follows.

Team 1Shelly Lang
Bert Coates
Team 2Allan Schreiber
Garry Buchanan
Team 3Michael Brandon
John Szabo


Team 1Mike Wood
Ken Zacharias
Team 2Marilyn Heimke
Rob Silver
Team 3Wayne Thompson
Jack McFarlane

The Canadians won 5 of the matches and the US won 4. Bert also tallied the total points for each team, and on that score Canada won 78-62.

 Michael Brandon and John Szabo for Canada won 3 matches.  Mike Wood and Ken Zacharias for the USA won two matches. All other teams won one match.

The challenges for the tournament were trying to get 3 teams for each country this late in the season.

Additionally, one player complained that Michael Brandon and John Szabo were playing together.  In that this was not a formal tournament there were no ground rules for who could play and who could not, nor how the teams could be placed.  This is not a complaint that should be ignored, and future tournaments will probably have some ground rules so that competition is fair for all parties.

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