Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 2014 Schedule and First Official Play Date on the New Courts

14 people showed up for play on November 1 at 8 am or so.  It was a flexible 8 am.

We had three out of park guests, Paul and Amelia Guesthouse, who winter in Green Valley (at least until their rent expires there, and they can come stay with us), and our good friend Penny Cobb who left the park last Spring.

We also had at least one player new to the game.

We had some good games.  Everybody got to play.  We had some fun, some laughs, no injuries, and used up many of those white balls that have been hanging around for the last few years.  Since Penny Cobb came over, I told her we were using them just to honor her.  I suspect that they are getting near their expiry date, so we can move on to the good orange balls that we still have, with more on order.

Of course, the courts are open at any time, but we will be having Open play for all skill levels on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this coming week at 8 am.

We are welcoming guests at this time, at no charge.  If you or anyone reading this is in the Tucson area and wants to come over to Rincon Country West and play some games, we can arrange for times other than those above.

If you wish to come to Rincon to play, please contact me at the email or phone number below and I will explain to you how to get into the park.

I have left a number of my business cards in the Activity Office, which is open from Monday to Friday in the morning and the afternoon.

Please feel free to contact me here at Rincon Country West.

Michael A Brandon

Rincon Country West Pickleball Club

Phone 520-741-2187


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